Student Showcase Success!

It’s hard to believe but . . . it’s already been one week since the students at Piano Plus Teaching Studio performed at the Rochester Academy of Medicine. Our end-of-year showcase featured 12 young musicians who had the opportunity to play alongside professional musicians from the Rochester area. All the students were featured as soloists and some even collaborated with me in composing some of the music. This coming together of creativity and collaboration had the effect of producing lots of smiling faces – not only for the musicians but for the proud parents and invited guests too.


And although I’ve already said it “out loud,” I’d like to express my gratitude to some special people for the record. Thank you to all my students who worked so hard in preparing for the showcase: Bailey, Sean, Josh, Giada, Arav, Lucas, Max, Benjamin, Stirling, Shamitri, Pat and Javiana. All of you are my greatest source of continued learning.

Thanks to all the parents for choosing Piano Plus Teaching Studio and to Lily, Belinda and Ishitri for helping with reception planning, program design and photography.

Be sure to stay tuned to this blog:  and our Facebook Teaching Studio page ( over the next couple weeks. I’ll be introducing some of our young performers along with audio samples of the pieces they performed.